1. 祝福语 / 祝福语列表2 /




1、 如果用梯子来形容人的事业上的升迁的话,看来是再合适不过的了。那么“He's going up the ladder pretty quickly”,就是说这个人爬得很快,职位升得很快,也就是所谓的平步青云。

2、 “This career move is a step in the right direction.”这里的变动多指职位上的提升,你一定要抓住这次机遇好好发展。

3、 ‘asset’指的是珍贵的财产,如果公司的同事或老板这么告诉你的话,你应该感到骄傲。

4、 一个职位很高的公司领导很有可能是从一个小小的职员爬上去的,所以用爬梯来形容职位的升迁是再合适不过的了。“She's moving up the ranks one step at the time.”便是一个很好例子。它也有慢慢来,一步一个台阶,从底层做起的意思。


thank you for your trust - 谢谢您的信任 thank you for the opportunity - 谢谢您给我机会 thank you for appreciating what i did - 谢谢您对我工作的赏识 i will work even harder - 我会更加努力 i will put in extra effort -




Congratulations on your recent promotion to (position)I know how hard you have worked to earn the recognitionyou presently enjoy at (name of firm) , and I feel thatthey are very wise in having made their choice.

Please accept our best wishes for your success in yournew position.



It was with great pleasure that I read of your promotionto the position of (position) with (name of firm) I am sure your firm has made a very wise choice and that you will excel in your new role as (position)

Please accept my congratulation on your promotion and my very best wishes for your continuing success.


Dear Dr.

Anderson,I was very pleased to hear that you were promoted to be chairman of the Department of Education.Please accept my warm congratulations.

For many years you have worked tirelessly for the cause of education.Your winning the position shows that your splendid service is recognized by all.I am sure that under your guidance,the school will make even greater contributions to the educational cause in future.

I wish you every success in your future career.Yours sincerely,Li Ming


Dear Mr. White:

I have just read in this morning's Times that you have been made Sales Director Kee Co., Ltd.

Congratulation on your promotion. Knowing you as I do, this will not be the last promotion you get. I look forward to the day when you are in the top job.

My very best good wishes.

Yours faithfully,

Tony Smith

Chief Buyer

Dee Co., Ltd.



